Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction

2020. "Introduction: Queer Dinners", Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University, Matt Brim

This article presents 18 empirically grounded design guidelines for human-AI interaction. The majority of the article showcases the process of developing and evaluating these guidelines. In this way, this works as a method-based contribution towards developing and evaluating design principles with user and expert stakeholders. Their phases for the final 18 guidelines are as follows:

"In Phase 1 we consolidated more than 150 design recommendations from multiple sources into a set of 20 guidelines. In Phase 2 we conducted an internal modifed heuristic evaluation of the guidelines, revising the set down to 18. Phase 3 consisted of a user study in which 49 participants used heuristic evaluation to assess the guidelines’ relevance and clarity. Based on their feedback, we rephrased some of the guidelines to improve clarity and, in Phase 4, conducted an expert evaluation of the revisions to validate the final set."
Their other major contribution is their 18 principles, which they present in a chart: